Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Becoming the Golden Ticket

Here is just one example of the amazing motivation and inspiration provided to consultants from Paparazzi headquarters.  Paparazzi is an AMAZING company with which to have an independent business.  Look for details at the end of this post.
Becoming the Golden Ticket
Many people in a home-based business in direct sales have a dream of finding the golden contact, or golden ticket. They want to find someone who they can sign up who is going to turn their business into gold. Although this is a worthy and very common desire, there is a trick to finding this person - become this person yourself.

John Quincy Adams once said, "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader."  Introspection is key to a successful life and business. Take the time to evaluate what you are doing in your Paparazzi business to determine if it is inspiring others to take the action you want them to take - to become that golden ticket. Make a list of everything you would expect your golden ticket to do and then determine if you are doing them yourself. Your list may look something like this:
1. Hold regular house parties
2. Not only read, but study the Paparazzi Guide
3. Attend Paparazzi trainings and events (Have you bought your ticket to the Star Studded Premiere?)
4. Stay in contact with your team and communicate with them in a nurturing and encouraging manner
5. Find creative ways to find new people to invite to Paparazzi events and parties

Once you start to consistently complete these tasks, and any more that you may want added to this list, you will have already found your golden ticket. YOU will be in charge of your own success and, in turn, will start to attract those who also have this same type of work ethic and respect for others. Additionally, you will be a remarkable example to those whom you bring to your team, helping to train and build successful Consultants who otherwise might not have reached certain levels of achievement without you. The greatest way to build your business with great team members is to become a great Consultant yourself.

Using this principle in reverse is also something worth considering. Worry less about what type of Consultant your upline or sponsor is, and more about the type of Consultant you will be. When you join Paparazzi, whatever activity or support your upline or sponsor offers will not determine your level of success, but what YOU do will. Ignore any distractions or negative influences, using any disappointment felt as a catalyst to better yourself and your business. Don't be afraid to add to the above list the actions you wish your sponsor had done for you, then ensure that you provide that level of support for your own team. At the end of the day, what is going to determine your success is not how much your upline or sponsor does, but how much YOU do.

Become the Golden Ticket

We have a team of 28 consultants all over the U.S.  My team is in UT, ID, IL, SC, GA, CA and IA.  We are a huge support network.  Come and join us!
Check out the special this month to join us and get $85 in incentives.  Click here for details.


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